The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (2024)

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Last updated by The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (1) Austin Carroll on Feb 7, 2022

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The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (2)

Sometimes, you just need a little space. That’s why my gaming room is upstairs, far away from all the ruckus. The only problem? The router is downstairs, on theothersideof the house. Let me tell you – it’s no fun when you’re cranking 90s inFortnite, wiping the floor with your opponent… only to get hit by a lag spike and wiped off the map.

Sound familiar? Fear not, gaming compatriots, for there’s a simple and effective solution to your network issues. It’s called a WiFi booster (or extender, or repeater), and it ‘boosts’ the connection from your router. Simply plug into the wall next to your gaming rig, and watch as your signal strength gains several bars.

This article takes you through the five best WiFi boosters on the market. Enough with the poor connectivity already. It’s time to level up your network and get back to gaming.

Zoom Out: WiFi Booster Comparison

Let’s start with a simple overview of the best WiFi signal boosters on the market, listed in price-ascending order.

ImageWiFi BoosterTypeMax SpeedPrice
The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (3)D-Link DAP-1330Outlet300 Mbps💰
The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (4)TP-Link RE220Outlet750 Mbps💰💰
The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (5)NETGEAR EX6120Outlet1200 Mbps💰💰💰
The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (6)Linksys RE9000Desktop3 Gbps💰💰💰💰
The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (7)NETGEAR Nighthawk EAX80Desktop6 Gbps💰💰💰💰💰

Zoom In: 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming

Next, let’s jump into the list with an in-depth look at our favorite WiFi extender.

Manufacturer:NETGEAR |Type:Tabletop |Max Speed:6 Gbps |Ports:4 Ethernet // USB 3.0 |Price:💰💰💰💰💰

Have you heard the stories about a WiFi booster as black as night, and as keen as a hawk at providing speeds that soar? The legend is true. Introducing the Nighthawk EAX80.

This incredible accessory extends blazing-fast fiber-level speeds up to 6 Gbps to your entire home. How? It’s all thanks to the EAX80’s powerful dual-band connection, which is universally compatible with all routers and ISPs. With four built-in Ethernet ports and room for 30+ simultaneous connections, the EAX80 eliminates dead zones without missing a beat.

The NETGEAR Nighthawk EAX80 is not only the bestoverallWiFi booster, it’s also the best WiFi extender for streaming and eSports, as it boasts the top specs on the entire market! That said, you’ll have to pay a hefty sum for its services.

  • Blazing-fast WiFi 6 speeds
  • Built-in EthernetandUSB 3.0 technology
  • Excellent performance across medium to large homes
  • Bulky
  • Very pricey
  • Requires a stable desk or tabletop

2. TP-Link RE220

The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (9)

The best wireless booster for gaming at medium speeds

Manufacturer:TP-Link |Type:Outlet |Max Speed:750 Mbps |Ports:Ethernet |Price:💰💰

TP-Link is the best-selling WiFi accessories brand on the market. Why is that? Just look to the TP-LINK RE220 Booster, which combines great speeds and a bargain price.

Sure, you’re not getting 6 Gbps like with the NETGEAR Nighthawk. But with the average household in the USA getting under 10 Mbps, you probablydon’t need that much power – the 750 megabytes offered by the RE220 is plenty for most players! Just connect it to your router via the TP-Link App, plug it in near your devices, and expand your network with a secure new access point. It’s several hundred square feet of extra coverage in one convenient package.

  • Very reliable
  • Excellent pricing
  • Easy setup and attractive design
  • Only one Ethernet port
  • Works best with TP-Link routers
  • Finding optimal placement can be tricky

Manufacturer:Linksys |Type:Tabletop |Max Speed:3 Gbps |Ports:4 Ethernet |Price:💰💰💰💰

If you’re seeking a powerful WiFi booster for lightning-fast and stable PC gaming, look no further than the Linksys RE9000. Thanks to four large and positionable antennas, the RE9000 amplifies your wireless network up to 10,000 square feet (not a typo) and delivers speeds up to 3 Gigabytes per second.

But how is that possible? Antennas alone can’t do that.

Yes, but the RE9000 also comes with cutting-edge tri-band connectivity, delivering ridiculous speeds across multiple frequencies. Just use the Spotfinder App to locate the perfect access point, and voila! You’ve expanded your coverage for lag-less gaming and a competitive edge.

The best part? Linksys provides over-the-air firmware updates to keep your network safe and secure. Unfortunately, some users say those network updates have a tendency to (temporarily) slow speeds. But it’s a small price to pay for peace of mind.

  • Very speedy with max 3 Gbps
  • Universal compatibility with all routers
  • Spotfinder App is perfect for locating access points
  • On the pricier side
  • Not plug-and-play like some competitor models
  • Some users say automatic firmware updates temporarily slow speeds


The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (11)

The best WiFi extender for console gaming

Manufacturer:NETGEAR |Type:Outlet |Max Speed:1200 Mbps |Ports:Ethernet |Price:💰💰💰

What makes the NETGEAR EX6120 the best WiFi extender for PS4 and Xbox One? For one, its small form factor is perfect for plugging in right next to your console. And whether you prefer to go true wireless, or connect via an Ethernet cable, the EX6120 has you covered with speeds up to 1200 Mbps.

In addition to all that, the EX6120 is plug-and-play, with a smart design that uses both the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz bands. It works with all 802.11ac routers and is amustfor eliminating dead zones and expanding your overall network.

One caveat, however. Some users report that the EX6120’s signal strength is prone to fluctuation. This can be a severe detraction for competitive gamers and streamers. We recommend checking and double-checking your settings, and contacting NETGEAR support in the unlikely event that problems arise.

  • 5-minute setup time
  • Delivers exceptional speeds
  • Works with all models and 802.11ac routers
  • Flimsy build quality
  • Signal strength may fluctuate
  • Some users report trouble connecting to dual bands

5. D-Link DAP-1330

The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (12)

The best WiFi extender for gaming on a budget

Manufacturer:D-Link |Type:Outlet |Max Speed:300 Mbps |Ports:Ethernet |Price:💰

The D-Link DAP-1330 may be the cheapest model on our list, but don’t let that dissuade you. It’s the best WiFi range extender for gaming on a budget, and it’s sure to provide plenty of performance for casual play.

This model connects to the older but further-reaching (and often more reliable) 2.4 GHz frequency via dual external antennas. Due to its tried-and-true technology, it syncs beautifully with all modems and routers and is perfect for small to mid-size homes in need of a network upgrade.

With speeds up to 300 Mbps, it oughta be plenty fast for most users. Just plug it right into your wall, wait for the LED indicator to go green, and jump back into the game – the DAP-1330 has you covered.

  • Very affordable
  • Dual “flip-out” antennas
  • Far-reaching and reliable 2.4 GHz network extension
  • Heats up quickly
  • Lower speeds than most competitor models
  • Doesn’t work with the newer 5 GHz frequency

Buyer’s Guide: WiFi Boosters for Gaming

Need help choosing the perfect booster for your setup? Let’s go over what to look for.

The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (13)

1. Type

WiFi boosters come in a few different flavors. First up, you’ve got the ones that plug directly into an outlet. These are minimally intrusive and simply require one open socket. The downside? They’re not as fast, reliable, or far-reaching as tabletop models, and they lack ports.

Next you’ve got tabletop models, which are much larger, feature bigger antennas and longer range, and boast better overall specs. This makes them ideal for competitive gaming, and when reliability is a concern. Unfortunately, they take up more space and typically cost a pretty penny.

The last type is the mesh networks. We don’t feature those on this particular list, but you can learn more about the technology fromour dedicated guide.

2. Max Speeds

Why is speed second on our list of things to look for? Truth be told, it’s notquiteas important as you might think.

WiFi boosters can only deliver speeds as fast as your router provides. Aside from the D-Link DAP-1330 – which only works on the 2.4 GHz frequency – the best WiFi repeaters for gaming on our list are either dual-band or tri-band and provide suitable speeds for thevastmajority of players.

3. Ports

You can never have too many ports!

Plugging into the Ethernet port on your booster is essential when playing competitively. That’s because itreduces latency and speeds upyour overall connection compared to relying solely on WiFi.

If you’ve got a dedicated PC gaming setup, we highly recommend choosing a tabletop WiFi booster with multiple Ethernet ports for the most flexibility. And if you can find a model with USB ports as well (such as the Nighthawk), this can provide more networking options, including the ability to share your game library across the network.

The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (14)

Our Process

For this guide on WiFi boosters, our writers spent 3 hours researching over 50 of the most popular options from brands big and small. After comparing this data, we then read over 100 user reviews and narrowed our list down to the top 5 WiFi boosters on the market. All of this research adds up to recommendations you can trust.

We hope you’ve found the perfect model for your setup. Happy Gaming!

Related Reading

  • Best Gaming Routers
  • Best Mesh Gaming Routers
  • Best Gaming Routers Under $100
  • Best Gaming Modems
  • Best Wireless Adapters
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The 5 Best WiFi Boosters for Gaming (2024)
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Author: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.